A properly installed air conditioner with routine maintenance and cleaning should be durable enough to face three or four months of inactivity with very little issue. The biggest concern in this situation is a buildup of dust and debris, which can be easily managed with a few precautions. If your unit has been inactive for three or four years, you may want to take some extra precautions before using it, like checking the unit for rust or cracking.

Running an Air Conditioner After Three Months of Inactivity

At the end of the summer, it’s always a good idea to do some routine seasonal maintenance before you shut your system down for the winter. Make sure that your unit is clean, in good working order, and will be ready to turn on when the weather warms up again.

Before you turn your air conditioner on after a few months of inactivity you’ll want to look the unit over. Start with the outdoor compressor. Clear away any plants that have grown around the outside system. Check the compressor for debris that could block the system’s airflow. Ideally, there should be a clearing of 3 feet around the entire unit. This makes it easy for the system to work unhindered. If you notice any cracking or causes for concern on the outdoor compressor, call our team of HVAC technicians at Denver Pro Mechanical before you turn your air conditioner on. We can help you with some routine maintenance and an inspection to make sure the unit is in working order before you use it.

The next step is looking at your indoor unit. Make sure it appears clean, dust-free, and dry. If you didn’t have routine maintenance and cleaning done at the end of the summer, it would be a good idea to call our HVAC technicians and have that done now. If your system received routine maintenance before it was shut down and appears to be clean, then you can go ahead and turn the unit on fan-only mode for 10 minutes. There will be a natural build-up of dust inside the machine, and this will help clear it out. Once the 10 minutes are up, you should be clear to turn the cool air on. Check the unit after it’s run for an hour or so. If you notice any liquid leaking or any strange smells at this point, turn the unit off and call our team at Denver Pro Mechanical to have your air conditioner inspected. There’s a chance that the liquid could be a refrigerant leak and letting it run without repairing the issue may damage the unit.

Running an Air Conditioner After Three Years of Inactivity

When an air conditioner is inactive for years the system may have some issues that need an AC repair service. Common issues include rust or corrosion inside or outside of the unit, cracked seals, and brittle belts. It’s important to repair these issues before you turn the air conditioner on again. If you turn the system on without replacing a brittle belt, the belt may break while the AC is running and cause damage to the machine. Cracked seals can lead to leaks, which can also cause severe damage to a unit.

Our team of HVAC professionals has seen these kinds of issues before and is familiar with getting older systems running again. We can inspect the air conditioner and let you know if the unit has suffered major damage due to inactivity, just needs a few minor repairs, or simply needs cleaning.

Professionals Can Help

As HVAC professionals, we spend our days looking at air conditioners and heaters and learning how they work. Our team can quickly spot a unit that needs extra care and one that just needs a little maintenance. To protect your investment and avoid any unnecessary damage, it’s always best to have a professional technician handle any maintenance or repairs on a questionable air conditioning unit.

Our team has helped homeowners in the Denver metro area for years. Denver Pro Mechanical is a family-run business with a special focus on preventative maintenance, repairs, and installation of air conditioners and heaters. We also provide our homeowners with ductless solutions, humidifiers, indoor air quality solutions, and heat pump repair, installation, and maintenance. We know how important keeping your home comfortable is and that’s why we have a 24/7 emergency service. We have bilingual technicians who can help you as well.

If you have concerns about your air conditioning unit, don’t hesitate to ask our professionals for help. Our preventative maintenance work will make sure your air conditioner is properly cared for. Contact Denver Pro Mechanical in Denver to learn more.

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